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International Winter School “Anthropology
 of forgery. Art Collecting, Authentication and Innovative Tools for a Culture of Legality in Cultural Heritage”

February 25th – March 1st, 2019 – Padua, Italy

The International Winter School “Anthropology of forgery.
Art Collecting, Authentication and Innovative Tools for a Culture of Legality in Cultural Heritage” will continue exploring the topics first presented in the first Winter School, titled “Anthropology of forgery. A multidisciplinary approach to the study of archaeological fakes” and held in Padua, Vicenza and Venice from February 13th to February 17th, 2017.
The first edition focussed mainly on the analysis of the problem of forgeries found in many archaeological materials (paintings, sculptures, glasses, ceramics, mosaics, fabrics, etc.) and historical periods, while the second one will analyse the phenomenon of cultural heritage collecting (at local, national and international levels), authentication methods using archaeological, archaeometric and digital techniques and, lastly, the tools for the dissemination of a culture of legality as regards Culture and History (digital archives, museums and exhibitions).

The International Winter School will start off against the stunning backdrop of the Orto Botanico with lectures on the state of the art of the research on collecting in Italy and Europe. The afternoon will be characterized by the lessons on the digital methods for the preservation and valorisation of collected artefacts, followed by an analysis of the potential of online open access tools.
The second day of lectures will be held in the Gallerie d’Italia-Palazzo Leoni Montanari in Vicenza, where the Caputi Collection is displayed as an extraordinary example of historical collection of South Italian ceramics. There, the day will focus on the study of collecting and on the authentication of archaeological ceramic materials through national and international experiences and examples.
The third day will see the collaboration of the Musei Civici agli Eremitani of Padua, where an analysis of the most relevant aspects of the main archaeological materials (from glass to mosaics, from goldsmithing to sculpting) and the analysis of the forger and the collector from a psychological, anthropological, archaeological and legal perspective will be carried out.
On the fourth day, lectures will be held in Villa Revedin Bolasco of Castelfranco Veneto and will focus on the illicit trade in cultural heritage and on the main law enforcement activities. In the afternoon the lessons will focus on the part played by museums in the valorisation of items coming from collections, and on the tools for the dissemination of a culture of legality in the historical, archaeological and artistic fields.
The fifth and last day of lectures will take place in the Palazzo del Monte di Pietà, the location of Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Padova e Rovigo; the discussion will centre on authentication methods using archaeometric techniques.

Duration: February 25th – March 1st, 2019
Official language: English
CFU/ECTS awarded: 4
Max. number of participants: 30
Deadline for application: December 1st, 2018
Fee: € 200.00
Available scholarships: 5

The Winter School is aimed at cultural heritage and museum professionals and at professionals from the main national and international organisations for the promotion and preservation of cultural heritage. It is especially aimed at PhD students, students of Schools of Specialisation and at all experts in the study of collecting, forgery and authentication.
The selection of participants will be based on the comparison of CVs/résumés and motivational letters (max. 600 words in English), which must be sent by December 1st, 2018 to progettomemo@unipd.it.
The Scientific Committee, according to the received CVs, reserves the right to offer 5 scholarships covering registration and accommodation fees (in an affiliated facility, double or triple room).

Con il patrocinio di ICOM Italia
Con la collaborazione di University of West Attica

Scientific direction: Prof. Monica Salvadori
Scientific Secretariat: Dr. Monica Baggio, Dr. Luca Zamparo

Contact: progettomemo@unipd.it
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