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Summer & Winter Schools

International Winter School “Beads and Seals: Technologies”

The Winter School “Beads and Seals: Technologies” organized by the Department of Cultural Heritage: Archaeology and History of Art, Cinema and Music (Padua & Murano-Venice, 14th-18th January 2019) is a precious occasion for students to get firsthand information on various ancient technologies of processing semiprecious materials and glass, and updated scientific approaches applied for their reconstruction.

World-reputed experts from various countries, leading advanced research on different cultural context (from stone beads and seals technologies in the Indus Valley and Mesopotamia, ancient Mesoamerica and China, to case-studies on glass beads making), will present the most recent results of their work…

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International Winter School “Anthropology
of forgery. Art Collecting, Authentication and Innovative Tools for a Culture of Legality in Cultural Heritage”

The International Winter School “Anthropology of forgery.
Art Collecting, Authentication and Innovative Tools for a Culture of Legality in Cultural Heritage” (February 25th – March 1st, 2019 – Padua, Italy ) will continue exploring the topics first presented in the first Winter School, titled “Anthropology of forgery. A multidisciplinary approach to the study of archaeological fakes” and held in Padua, Vicenza and Venice from February 13th to February 17th, 2017.

The first edition focussed mainly on the analysis of the problem of forgeries found in many archaeological materials (paintings, sculptures, glasses, ceramics, mosaics, fabrics, etc.) and historical periods, while the second one will analyse the phenomenon of cultural heritage collecting (at local, national and international levels), authentication methods using archaeological, archaeometric and digital techniques and, lastly, the tools for the dissemination of a culture of legality as regards Culture and History (digital archives, museums and exhibitions)….

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International Winter School “Anthropology of forgery. A multidisciplinary approach to the study of archaeological fakes”

The Winter School “Anthropology of forgery. A multidisciplinary approach to the study of archaeological fakes” will gather in Padua (13th-17th February 2017) a pool of international scholars who are committed to the study of, and to the fight against, illegal activities within the sphere of cultural heritage, activities that can only be dealt with by adopting a number of different scientific approaches.

230774_wwwIn recent years the phenomenon of forgery has become a disconcerting and urgent problem, one which poses new challenges and sets new tasks for experts of many different disciplines. It is precisely with this in mind that the School intends to be a unique occasion for all its participants to be brought up to date on the latest developments in this field through the teaching of some of the most active European researchers in this area…

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Summer School “Hydraulic Systems in the Roman World”

L’Università di Padova, sotto la direzione scientifica della prof.ssa Paola Zanovello, organizza a Feltre (BL) dal 22 al 26 Agosto 2016 la terza Summer School Internazionale “Water management in arid and semiarid climates in Roman time”.

11891974_966140430075289_793411968070603621_nLa Summer School si propone come un corso ad alta intensità, con nove ore di attività didattica al giorno, incentrato sui temi del’idraulica nel mondo Romano. L’elevata importanza che le infrastrutture idrauliche ebbero durante l’età romana e la loro conseguente amplissima diffusione, fanno di questo corso un’occasione formativa unica e dai caratteri peculiari. La Summer School affronterà gli aspetti tecnici-archeologici relativi all’approvvigionamento, alla conservazione, allo sfruttamento e allo smaltimento dell’acqua all’interno degli insediamenti urbani romani nei climi aridi e semiaridi…

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International Winter School “The golden legacy. Seven millennia of technological growth and social complexity”

The Winter school “The golden legacy. Seven millennia of technological growth and social complexity” will gather at Padua a pool of leading international experts on gold technologies in the ancient world, to teach an intensive one-week course.

nomads-five-smallThe school, based on the close interaction of university students, academics and professionals of gold studies and the jewelry sector will touch a selection of crucial topics, crossing seven millennia of Eurasian history and stimulating the interdisciplinary discussion, in an informal university environment. The classes, in English, will introduce the basis of ancient gold studies, alternating general lectures, to the presentation of important archaeological discoveries and the discussion of recent research projects, distinguished by an advanced scientific approach…

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Winter School “Fragments in context.
Interpretation and re-composition of Greek and Roman wall paintings and mosaics”

The winter school “Fragments in context. Interpretation and re-composition of Greek and Roman wall paintings and mosaics” aims at introducing the correct methodology for studying wall and floor decorations, excavated as fragments.

DCF 1.0A good study of fragments starts during the excavation and a correct recovery is the necessary premise for understanding comprehensively the technique and decoration of fragments. A systematic post-excavation work is the necessary premise to achieve the re-composition of decorative systems, eventually completed by digital reconstructions.
The winter school will be structured in a combination of taught seminars, practical activities, and visits to archaeological sites and museums…

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