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Winter School “Fragments in context. Interpretation and re-composition of Greek and Roman wall paintings and mosaics”

The winter school “Fragments in context. Interpretation and re-composition of Greek and Roman wall paintings and mosaics” aims at introducing the correct methodology for studying wall and floor decorations, excavated as fragments.

LocandinaA good study of fragments starts during the excavation and a correct recovery is the necessary premise for understanding comprehensively the technique and decoration of fragments. A systematic post-excavation work is the necessary premise to achieve the re-composition of decorative systems, eventually completed by digital reconstructions.

The winter school will be structured in a combination of taught seminars, practical activities, and visits to archaeological sites and museums.

Lectures will be given by staff of Padua University and international specialists, with a recognized reputation in the field of study and reconstruction of fragmentary wall-paintings and mosaic.
Invited speakers will include: Alix Barbet (CNRS-AOROC, École Normale Supérieure, Paris), Nicole Blanc (CNRS-AOROC, École Normale Supérieure, Paris), Julien Boislève (INRAP-Institut National de Recherches Archéologiques Préventives), Alexandra Dardenay (Université de Toulouse), Stella Falzone (University “La Sapienza”, Rome), Anne-Marie Guimier Sorbets (Université de Paris X Ouest-Nanterre), Angela Lea Malgieri (Bologna University), Elena Mariani (independent scholar), Elisabetta Neri (Université de Paris-Sorbonne), Ophélie Vauxion (Centre Jean Bérard), Will Wootton (King’s College, London), Norbert Zimmerman (Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien).

The winter school is opened to a maximum of 20 EU and non EU postgraduate students in archaeology and conservation (enrolled to Master and PhD courses, schools of conservation and Italian “Scuola di Specializzazione in Archeologia”).
Students will be selected according to their curriculum vitae. Candidates are invited to submit their application, completing the enclosed form, before the deadline (1 December 2014). Applications sent after the deadline will be considered only if the maximum number of 20 participants will not be reached. Incomplete applications and applications presented in other languages than English will not be considered.
At the end of the School, an attendance certificate will be released, providing the opportunity to claim 4 C.F.U. – E.C.T.S. (European Credit Transfer System).

Fees and costs
The school has no fees and will offer the five lunches and the two fieldtrips to all the participants. The best 10 students, selected by the scientific committee according to their cv, will obtain a grant, covering the accommodation (5 nights, in double or triple room).

(Download PDF: posterbrochure)

Monday, March 23 – Sala del Consiglio

9.30-10.00: M. Salvadori, F. Ghedini (Padua University, Italy), Welcome of the
participants and opening
10.00-11.00: A. Barbet (CNRS-AOROC, École Normale Supérieure, Paris, France), Recomposition and restitution of fragmentary wall paintings: methodology and theoretical-ethical principles
11.00-12:00: C. Boschetti (Padua
University, Italy), Floor and wall mosaics in the
Roman world: from the materiality to the process of making
12.00-13.00: A.L. Malgieri (Bologna University, Italy), Investigating a workshop practice: techniques and methods of Roman wall painting through the evidence of
preliminary drawings


15.00-16.00: A. Lugari (Soprintendenza Speciale per i Beni Archeologici di Roma, Italy), Wall opus sectile (incrustationes): building technique analysis for in situ conservation and musealization of findings out of context
16.00-17.00: A. Dardenay (Tolouse University, France), Fragmentary wall-paintings from southern Gaul: different stages of re-composition
17.00-17.45: S. Dilaria, J. Bonetto, M. Secco, A. Addis (Padua University, Italy), Floor bedding techniques at Aquileia (1st BC-4th AD): an interdisciplinary approach for the reconstruction of the building process
17.45-18.30: A. Didonè, N. De Nicolo (Padua University, Italy), From fragments to walls: the case study of Aquileia

Tuesday, March 24 – Trip to Aquileia (National Archaeological Museum, Basilica and site)

In collaboration with M. Novello (Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici del Friuli Venezia Giulia),
F. Oriolo (Freelance archaeologist), C. Tiussi
(Fondazione Aquileia), P. Ventura (Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici del Friuli Venezia Giulia),
E. Menon (Associazione Nazionale per Aquileia)

Wednesday, March 25 – Sala del Consiglio

9.00-10.00: S. Falzone (University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Italy), Recently discovered painted contexts from Rome and Ostia: a contribute for the knowledge of urban production, between the late Republic and the early Empire
10.00-11.00: E. Neri (University of Paris-Sorbonne, France), Mosaic fragments in archaeological context (4-9th C.): technical and iconographical potential. Some examples from western and
eastern Mediterranean
11.00-12.00: A.-M. Guimier-Sorbets
(University of Paris X-Nanterre, France), Fragments of Hellenistic and Roman mosaics from Delos and Alexandria
12.00-13.00: W. Wootton (King’s College London, United Kingdom), Invention and experimentation at Euesperides: the development of mosaic techniques in the early Hellenistic period


15.00-17.00: Round table on databases for mosaics and wall-paintings, with
M. Salvadori, A. Didoné (Padua University),
A. Barbet (AIPMA, France), F. Ghedini (Padua University), W. Wootton (King’s College London, United Kingdom), A.-M. Guimier-Sorbets (Université de Paris X Ouest-Nanterre, France), N. Blanc (CNRS-AOROC, École Normale Supérieure, Paris, France)
Thursday, March 26 – Trip to Brescia
(Museum of S. Giulia and town) and Sirmione (Roman Villa “Grotte di Catullo”).

In collaboration with B. Bianchi (Freelance archaeologist), F. Morandini (Musei Civici di arte e storia di Brescia)

Friday, March 27 – Sala del Consiglio

9.00-10.00: J. Boisleve (INRAP-Institut National de Recherches Archéologiques Préventives, France), Reading decorations for understanding architecture: methodologies form rescue excavations in France
10.00-11.00: W. Wootton (King’s College London, United Kingdom), Process and practice at Tel Dor: making virtuoso mosaics in the late Hellenistic world
11.00-12.00: O. Vauxion (Centre Jean Bérard, France), Fragmentary wall painting: from material study to computer restitution. The case of Camelin site (Fréjus, France, Service Archéologique et Patrimoine de la ville de Fréjus)
12.00-13.00: M. Vidale (Padua University, Italy), S. Pannuzi, M. Mariottini (Istituto Superiore per il Restauro e la
Conservazione, Rome, Italy), Surface, gold and pigments in Gandhara stucco works (1st-5th AD)

Info & Contacts
Department of Cultural Heritage: archaeology, history of art, cinema and music
Piazza Capitaniato 7, 35100 Padova
Scientific direction: Monica Salvadori and Francesca Ghedini
Scientific secretariat: Cristina Boschetti
Organising secretariat: Nicoletta De Nicolo
Official language: English


Piazza Capitaniato 7
35139 Padova
P.I. 00742430283
C.F. 80006480281

Front Office: +39 049 8274673
Fax: +39 049 8274527

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