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International Winter School “The golden legacy. Seven millennia of technological growth and social complexity”

locandinaThe Winter school “The golden legacy. Seven millennia of technological growth and social complexity” will gather at Padua a pool of leading international experts on gold technologies in the ancient world, to teach an intensive one-week course. The school, based on the close interaction of university students, academics and professionals of gold studies and the jewelry sector will touch a selection of crucial topics, crossing seven millennia of Eurasian history and stimulating the interdisciplinary discussion, in an informal university environment.

The classes, in English, will introduce the basis of ancient gold studies, alternating general lectures, to the presentation of important archaeological discoveries and the discussion of recent research projects, distinguished by an advanced scientific approach. The course will be completed by two excursions, at Vicenza and Brescia, to experience the direct observation of archaeological gold and gilded materials.
On Tuesday 26th we will be guested by the gold trade fair Vicenzaoro, to meet artisans jewelers and to visit the local Museum of Jewelry.
On Thursday 28th, we will be at Brescia, visiting the collections of the Museum of S. Giulia, a UNESCO site with important examples of Roman gilded bronzes and unique pieces of Lombard jewelry.

The school will be opened to a group of 20 EU and non EU international students (enrolled to Master and PhD courses, schools of conservation and Italian “Scuola di Specializzazione in Archeologia”), active in the field of gold studies, selected according to the quality of their CV. BA students may also apply, but only if the subject of their thesis is consistent with the subject of the Winter school. Postdocs and professionals interested in gold studies are welcome.

Candidates are invited to submit their application, completing the enclosed form, before the deadline (31 December 2015). Applications sent after the deadline will be considered only if the maximum number of 20 participants will not be reached. Incomplete applications and applications presented in other languages than English will not be considered. The results of the selection will be communicated not later than early January 2016.

At the end of the School, an attendance certificate will be released, providing the opportunity to claim 4 C.F.U. – E.C.T.S. (European Credit Transfer System).

The school has no fees and will offer the cost of the two fieldtrips to all the participants. The best five students, selected by the scientific committee according to their cv, will obtain a grant, covering the accommodation (5 nights, in double or triple room).

(download PDF file)

Monday January 25th

Sala delle Edicole, Piazza Capitaniato 3

9.00-9.15 AM Opening and welcome of the participants
Massimo Vidale, Monica Salvadori
dBC, University of Padua, Italy

9.15-10.00 AM The rational and irrational of gold: a short introduction to gold studies in antiquity
Massimo Vidale
dBC, University of Padua, Italy

10.00-11.00 AM The introduction of gold and the rise of social complexity in the Italian peninsula, during the 2nd millennium BC
Michele Cupitò
dBC, University of Padua, Italy

11.00-12.00 AM Gold vs. silver in the El Argar society of the Iberian Peninsula
Roberto Risch
Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain

12.00 AM-1.00 PM At the borders of the Mali empire: a contrmporary gold rush for the archaeology and ethnoarchaeology of burkinabe gold
Armando De Guio, Birba Noaga
dBC, University of Padua, Italy; Université de Koudougou, Burkina Faso

Sala del Consiglio, Piazza Capitaniato 7

2.30-3.30 AM Visit to the Departmental Archaeological Museum, Palazzo Liviano, with Alessandra Menegazzi, curator of the museum dBC, University of Padua

3.30-4.30 AM The transformation of gold in the making of
symbolism of jewelry
Daniela Ferro
CNR ISNM, Roma, Italy

4.30-5.30 AM Short presentations on PhD and Master thesis
on gold in antiquity
All the students attending the winter school

Tuesday, January 26th

Trip to Vicenza. Visit to the international jewelry trade fair Vicenzaoro and Museo del Gioiello
(sponsored by Fiera di Vicenza S. p. A. – Vicenzaoro)


8.30-9.30 AM Bus transfer from Padua (Hotel Plaza, corso Milano 40) to Fiera di Vicenza

Hall 7 – Room 7.1.1a

9.45-10.00 AM Welcome of the participants

10-10.45 AM Gold of the Argonauts: Georgia’s gold from the Bronze age to the classical period
Vakhtang Licheli
Institute of Archaeology, Tibilisi State University, Georgia

11.00 AM-1.00 PM Free visit of Vicenzaoro

Hall 7 – room 7.1.1a

3.00-3.45 PM Buried in gold: the treasures of of Tillya Tepe (Afghanistan)
Nadezhda Dubova
Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Russian Academy of Sciences,
Moscow, Russia

4.00-4.30 PM Bus transfer to the historical city center of Vicenza

4.30-5.30 PM Visit of Museo del Gioiello, Vicenza
with Marta Noaro, Fiere di Vicenza S. p. A

6.00-6.30 PM Bus transfer to Padua (Hotel Plaza, Corso Milano 40)

Wednesday, January 27th

Sala del Consiglio, Piazza Capitaniato 7

9.00-10.00 AM The earliest steps of gold in western Eurasia: from Varna to Majkop
Svend Hansen
Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, Berlin, Germany

10.00-11.00 AM The flatura auraria and its urban context in the Roman settlement, at Magdalensberg, Carinzia
Heimo Dolenz
Alpen-Adria Universität Klagenfurt, Institut für Alte Geschichte, Altertumskunde und Archäologie, Austria
11.00-12.00 AM Dressed in gold: textile evidence from pre-Roman and Roman times
Margarita Gleba
McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, University of Cambridge, UK

12.00 AM-1.00 PM Current perspectives on gold jewelry of the Scythians
Gian Luca Bonora
University of Ashtana, Kazakhstan

Sala del Consiglio, Piazza Capitaniato 7

2.30-3.30 PM Gold in Venetian glass recipes: the invention of ruby glass
Marco Verità
LAMA laboratory, IUAV, Venice, Italy

3.30-4.30 PM Gold and gilding in Roman mural decoration: from reality to simulation, from metal to pigments
Florence Monier
AOROC, UMR 8546, CNRS-École normale supérieure, Paris, France

4.30-5.30 PM Gilding in Buddhist paintings of the Northern Wei dynasty (North China, 3rd-5th centuries AD): a case study
Giovanni Verri
Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Centre for Buddhist Art and Conservation, Courtauld Institute of Art, London, UK

5.30-6.30 PM Gold and gilding in context, from Macedonia to Alexandria: uses, objectives and strategies
Anne-Marie Guimier-Sorbets
University of Paris X-Nanterre, France

Thursday, January 28th

Trip to Brescia. Visit of Museo di Santa Giulia, UNESCO site in the network “Longobards in Italy. Places of the Power (568-774 A.D.)”

8.00-9.45 AM Bus transfer from Padua (Hotel Plaza, corso Milano 40) to Brescia

Museo di Santa Giulia

10 AM Arrival at Museo di Santa Giulia

10.00 AM-1.00 PM Visit of the monastic complex and museum collections, with a focus on jewelry (Roman and Lombard) and Roman bronze gilding
with Marina De Marchi (Civico Museo Archeologico di Arsago Seprio, Italy), Lucia Miazzo (Università degli Studi di Torino, Italy), Francesca Morandini (Comune di Brescia)

2.45-3.30 PM Visit of the archaeological area of the Roman Forum of Brixia, 1st century BC-1st century AD (Republican sanctuary, Capitolium, Theater)
with Cristina Boschetti (dBC, University of Padua, Italy; Department of Archaeology, The University of Nottingham, UK)

3.30-5.30 PM Free time in Brescia (possibility of visiting the temporary exhibition Roma e le genti del Po, Museo di Santa Giulia)

5.45-7.30 PM Bus transfer from Brescia to Padova (hotel Plaza, Corso Milano 40)

Friday, January 29th

Sala del Consiglio, Piazza Capitaniato 7

9.00-10.00 AM Ancient glass and gold: technical interactions over time
Julian Henderson
Department of Archaeology,The University of Nottingham, UK

10.00-11.00 AM Luxury Hellenistic and early Roman productions in gold and glass: the case study of gold-band glass vessels
Giulia Cesarin
Archäologisches Institut, University of Köln, Germany; dBC, University of Padua, Italy

11.00-12.00 AM Gold before gold: the representations of aurum in Republican mosaics (1st century BC)
Cristina Boschetti
dBC, University of Padua, Italy; Department of Archaeology,
The University of Nottingham, UK

12.00 AM-1.00 PM From coinage to mosaics: history and technology of Late Roman and Byzantine gold-glass mosaic tesserae
Elisabetta Neri
Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Sorbonne Université), Paris, France

1.00-2.00 PM The role and materiality of gilding on Gandharan sculpture (1st-3rd century AD)
Simona Pannuzi, Fabio Talarico, Marco Zaminga, Anna Filigenzi
ISCR, Roma, Italy; dBC, University of Padua, Italy; Università degli Studi di Napoli, L’Orientale, Italy

2.00-2.15 PM Closure of the Winter school
Massimo Vidale, Monica Salvadori
dBC, University of Padua, Italy

International Winter School
“The golden legacy. Seven millennia of technological growth and social complexity”
25-29 January 2016

University of Padua, Department of Cultural Heritage: archaeology, history of art, cinema and music
Piazza Capitaniato 7, 35100 Padova

Scientific direction: Prof. Massimo Vidale and Prof. Monica Salvadori
Scientific secretariat: Dr. Cristina Boschetti
Contacts: cristina.boschetti@unipd.it

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